A Blog Regarding All That Is Happening In Pittsburgh’s Real Estate Marketplace.

Planning To Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goal.

Planning To Retire? Your Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goal.

Retirement is a big change in your life, as you leave the work force and find yourself free to do what YOU want to do! No more bosses, alarm clocks, or late nights stuck at the office. Retirement is all about making decisions that benefit you and can give you a great time during your golden years. As you move into this new chapter of your life, let’s connect so you can have an expert to help guide you through the process of selling your current home and finding somewhere to meet your new wants and needs. Retirement is supposed to be fun, so let the professionals give you some guidance- and get ready to live your best life. Together, we can put your home equity to work for you.

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8 Home Improvement Projects You Can Tackle in a Summer Weekend

8 Home Improvement Projects You Can Tackle in a Summer Weekend

Summer is here and, between dips in the pool and the family vacation, you might want to consider this: all that sunny weather and available free time isn’t just good for getting a tan, it’s also the perfect time to tackle some projects around the house! While nobody wants to spend every weekend on household projects, the reality is this: homeownership means some responsibility, especially when it comes to maintaining your property and keeping it not only looking good, but making sure it stays in good structural condition. Not keeping up with routine maintenance could even mean your home loses value over time.

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Warm Weather Style Updates To Do This Weekend

Warm Weather Style Updates To Do This Weekend

With temperatures continuing to rise, summertime is right around the corner. While the season may not officially begin for a few more weeks, it’s hard not to get excited. Whether you have plans to be soaking in the sunshine on a far-away beach, or plan on spending your summer relaxing around the house, summer is one of the most special times of the year, a rare opportunity to focus on relaxing and having a little fun! It’s also a great opportunity to give your home a seasonal makeover, embracing all the best of current trends while giving your home the look and feel of a fun summer destination.

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Places Buyers Look When Viewing your Home

Places Buyers Look When Viewing your Home

When you’re selling your home, there’s a lot on your mind! It’s a very involved process, and there’s a lot you’ll be thinking about. An important part of the selling process is giving interested buyers an opportunity to see inside your home, both in listing photos and videos as well as in person during showings and open houses. These in-person tours of your home will be when those buyers dig deep into your home: while some may be more focused on the big picture and focus on spaces like bedrooms and the kitchen, you might be surprised to know where many buyers will look when viewing a property. Generally, buyers want to know two things: will the house work for them, and how well was it maintained during your ownership?

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Is It Time to Move? 5 Telltale Signs

Is It Time to Move? 5 Telltale Signs

For those apprehensive about moving, it’s important to realize that sometimes, even the most beloved home simply isn’t cutting it anymore. There are many reasons why it’s time you move on and find somewhere that better fits your needs today. Are you starting to wonder if it’s time to move? Here are 6 telltale signs that it’s time to give us a call and get more information.

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