Stop and look around- the first signs of spring have begun to appear! The days are getting longer, the weather warmer, and there seems to be more life and greenery everywhere you look. For many, spring represents new beginnings and starting over. It also means that its time for spring cleaning. Not everyone enjoys cleaning- but spring cleaning can be so much more than just sweeping, mopping and dusting. It is a great opportunity to truly deep clean your home, and make small changes that might make it an even better place to live. So, crack open your windows and take a deep breath of fresh air- it’s time to start cleaning!

Ready to tackle your spring-cleaning list? When it comes to accomplishing the deep clean, it’s always better to strive to work smarter – not harder. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

  1. Clean Room by Room: When you have a big project on your hands, one of the best things you can do is to break it down into smaller, easier & quicker to accomplish goals. In the case of spring cleaning, it’s best to focus on one room at a time. This gives you an opportunity to make sure you’ve gotten to every nook and cranny in a space. Whether you have a few hours or only a few minutes to devote to spring cleaning today, you can better utilize that time by working to get a single room completed up front- giving you some satisfaction and motivation to keep going elsewhere in your home.
  2. Make Lists: Checklists are a great way to make sure you aren’t forgetting anywhere in your home. You might be surprised which surfaces accumulate dust over the winter, such as fan blades, trim pieces over windows and doors, baseboards, and anything you have displayed on shelves like memorabilia and books. Making a checklist for each room can help remind you to inspect and address each of these areas before moving on to your next project.
  3. Deep Cleaning: While you might sweep your floors on a regular basis, how often do you clean underneath furniture or behind appliances? These areas can accumulate dust and debris, while remaining out of sight and out of mind. If you want your home to be sparkling clean, top to bottom, you’ll need to find a way to clean above, below, behind, and around even the largest objects in your home.
  4. Clean those appliances, too: While you probably wipe down appliances whenever they get dirty, how often do you clean the insides out, too? From your washing machine and dryer, to the oven and coffee maker– spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to make sure your appliances are squeaky clean too. Regularly cleaning appliances ensure their efficient operation, while also increasing their lifespan.
  5. Clear Out the Clutter: After spending a few months sheltered inside from the cold of winter, you might’ve found yourself holding onto things you don’t need anymore- shipping packaging, clothes you no longer wear, or just items you meant to put back out in the storage shed but have been sitting in your garage instead. Take the time now to donate, recycle, or trash any items you no longer have a need for. Emptying it out will give you extra space, and can make your home feel much cleaner very quickly.
  6. Ask for Help: Many hands lighten the work load, especially when everyone in your family can help with certain tasks. If someone is taller, give them the job of dusting off hard to reach places. Work as a team to move heavy objects like appliances and furniture. Whether you work as a team, divide out tasks, or assign certain rooms to certain people, spring cleaning goes much faster when everyone is working towards the same goals.
  7. Long Term Upkeep: While you’re going over every other part of your home, now is a great opportunity to check your home’s systems and safety equipment. While you’ll want to have professionals inspect and service your air conditioning system before using this this season, you can still take the time to clean air vents and replace dirty filters- improving the air quality in your home by removing air pollutants. It’s also a good time to test smoke and CO2 detectors, along with fire extinguishers. Does your family have an emergency plan? Now is a good time to make one and practice!
  8. Don’t go Overboard with Cleaning Supplies: Modern science has given us so many inventions, one of which being a multitude of cleaners designed to deep-clean every square inch of your house. While some of these products might be great options for particularly stubborn messes, you might want to start with a good all-purpose cleaner and microfiber cloths which can be washed and reused. Remember- avoid mixing chemicals, and always have adequate ventilation before getting carried away with a cleaning session.
  9. Start new habits: Depending on your personality, new habits can form quickly or take months to really settle into your schedule- but there’s no denying that good habits are invaluable, especially when it comes to keeping your home clean all year long. After all, the best way to clean a home is to keep it clean in the first place! While there will always be ongoing spots you’ll need to clean, the right habits can drastically decrease the amount of time you need to spend cleaning in the future. Add door mats to help decrease the amount of dirt entering your home. Here are a few more habits of those with clean homes- you might want to try adopting some for yourself!
  10. Don’t be afraid to make a change: While you have furniture moved, consider changing the layout of your home. With walls clean and dust free, it might be the perfect time to do a little touchup painting or add an entirely new color into the mix. Spring is all about transformation and new beginnings, so apply that same logic to your home. After the long winter months, a little change can make your home feel fresh inside.

Embrace the imminent arrival of spring by getting a solid start to your spring cleaning this season! From small projects to big changes, this is a great opportunity to not only clean your home, but also give it a new look and arrangement. Good luck with your cleaning this year!